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Hi guys! This page would be what I would be providing for clients and students. Feel free to message me on Instagram! I would be posting updates on Youtube on what I would be doing next. Please click on the button below to check out my Youtube Channel!

Type of Services

Provide a general description of the items below and introduce the services you offer. Click on the text box to edit the content.


I would be up for collaborations to do covers as well. I would be doing mainly piano and vocal covers at the moment.


Songwriting is reserved for Diploma students in LASALLE who are finishing their Final Year Recital in Year 3. 

Music Production/ Instrument Loan



Hi guys, I am open to collaborations too. Contact me on Instagram or via email with all the necessary details and we will work on it.

Types of collaborations that I am open to:

1. Piano accompaniments [For vocals and instrumentals projects]

2. Songwriting

3. External Exams [ABRSM & Chinese Instrumentals]

4. Final Recitals [Open for LASALLE Students]


If you are keen on preparing for an exam, feel free to contact me if you need an accompanist.

Click here for the rates.

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